

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Learn From Your Kids Summer Camp

By: Jeff Lorenz

Blogging is all the rage but if you happen to stop by Swift Nature Camp's blog you will arm yourself with loads of information about going to a Children's Summer Camp. Plus you can even leave comments. Below I have listed just a few of the articles that you may find on Swift Nature Camp <a href=''>Summer Camp Blog</a>.
<BR><BR>Swift Nature Camp is so much more than FUN. Our tree of Values helps campers concentrate on the importance of group living. The life skills that are so important to yourself and to others. The tree has 12 branches that include: Responsibility, Persistence, Honesty, Enthusiasm and a host of others. Nation wide there is a program called Character Counts. This is our program and each day we use these values. But it's when we focus on them and keep them in the forefront of our daily life that it helps us make good choices. Daily we might see these values as you help another camper carry a hiking pack or maybe as you forgive a camper that touched your stuff. Swift Nature Camp, like life has many opportunities to use the SNC tree of values. After all camp is just a little piece of life that you will never forget.
<BR><BR>Is seems as if we are learning more that Summer Camp helps children grow into mature adults. A new British study finds that most modern parents overprotect their kids. Half of all kids have stopped climbing trees, and 17 percent have been told that they can't play tag or chase. Even hide-and-seek has been deemed dangerous. And that dreaded stick..."will put out someone's eye". It is easy to blame technology for the decline in outdoor play, but it may well be mom and dad. Adrian Voce of Play England says 'Children are not being allowed many of the freedoms that were taken for granted when we were children,' 'They are not enjoying the opportunities to play outside that most people would have thought of as normal when they were growing up.' According to the Guardian, "Voce argued that it was becoming a 'social norm' for younger children to be allowed out only when accompanied by an adult. 'Logistically that is very difficult for parents to manage because of the time pressures on normal family life,' he said. 'If you don't want your children to play out alone and you have not got the time to take them out then they will spend more time on the computer.' The Play England study quotes a number of play providers who highlight the benefits to children of taking risks. 'Risk-taking increases the resilience of children,' said one. 'It helps them make judgments,' said another. We as parents want to play it safe and we need to rethink safety vs adventure. The research also lists examples of risky play that should be encouraged including fire-building, den-making, water sports, paint balling, boxing and climbing trees. Summer camp provides an excellent opportunity for children to get outside take risks and play, all while still while being supervised by concerned young adults...we call counselors. See how Swift Nature Camp can put Adventure back into your child's life.
<BR><BR>The Russell W. Hogrefe Fresh Start Fund was established by Russell W. Hogrefe during his tenure as Executive Director of the American Camp Association, Illinois Section. He served in that position from 1979 until his retirement in 1996. Russ spent his entire professional career providing children's summer camp and other services to families with very low income. Teachers, social workers, counselors or other professionals refer campers. ACA Illinois Section staff and the person making the referral select an appropriate day or resident camp program. Camps must be accredited by the American Camp Association.
<BR><BR>Swift Nature Camp's summer pottery program is going to be one of our most exciting programs in the summer of 2009. There's almost an endless variety of pottery projects to make which you can take back to home your family and friends
<BR><BR>Camp is so different than home because often at school children hangout with kids that are homogeneous. That's right all the same, same age, same gender, same community and more. Opportunities to make friends are not much more than others in class or down the block. However, at Swift Nature Camp kids get an opportunity to spend time with others, both younger and older and from different parts of the country or world. It is interesting how often the older teens become natural leaders for the younger kids, by "adopting them". Not only is this true with campers but also for counselors as well. Our staff are generally college aged folks studying to be teachers. They truly look at SNC as a learning opportunity. They are camper centered making them great role models for today's youth. Then consider the SENIOR staff at camp...the oldsters do round out a super community which entices children to make new friends.
<BR><BR>Charter into new waters this summer. For many kids, coming to camp is a big adventure! One of the biggest challenges is swimming in a lake. We all have had experience swimming in a nice blue pool. There is security in being able to see the bottom of the pool. Lake swimming is to enter the wild water and to cross a border. You pass the lake?s edge and you break the surface of the water itself. In doing so, you move from one realm into another: a new realm of freedom, adventure, magic and occasional danger. Watch out for those Turtles and Fish! Swimming in open water is a new experience that's not to be feared, but embraced. Once you feel comfortable swimming in a lake, the world will open up to you and wherever you see water you will see a new adventure waiting. Swift Nature Camp has over 1500 acres of water right out your cabin front door. At Swift Nature Camp we have a wonderful swimming area full of fun toys, not to mention Wally (the water trampoline) & Sally (the slide). "Free Swim" is one of the most anticipated times of the camp day, but "Instructional Swim" is there to help give you build the confidence for those free swims. You can even earn American Red Cross Swimming levels.
<BR><BR>Parents <a href=''> How to Find The Best Summer Camp</a> is no easy task. Check out this FREE informational website.<BR><BR>Finding a <a href=''> Finding Summer Camps</a> is no easy task. Check out this FREE informational website.<BR><BR>

Swift <a href=''>Nature Camp </a> is a <a href=''>Wisconsin Summer Camp </a>. for boys and girls ages 6-15 who enjoy being out in nature
<a href="">Article Submission</A> by Article Submission Express

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