

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

By: Jimmy James

Healthy coffee and mushrooms are creating quit a stir in the news today when scientist reveal it contains some real significant health beneficial compounds including polysaccharides. They have notable anti cancer properties. Ganoderma Lucidum the mushroom is getting some attention. It also contains properties aiding in lowering cholesterol. Also anti viral, anti bacterial and viral infections of the liver. It is also beneficial when it comes to flu, influenza. Mixing this in with healthy coffee is fantastic! Being helpful with major viral infections such as HIV is a great bonus. A few more things, chronic fatigue, stomach ulcers, altitude sickness, and aiding with prostrate cancer. More studies done with breast cancer shows when mixed with green tea the benefits are heightened. What more could you want in your healthy coffee! This creates a wonderful income at home.
<BR><BR> <a herf="">Ganoderma Lucidum</a>With the greatly increasing public awareness of our environment becoming more and more toxic and the news that one in two males and one in three females in America will contract cancer in their life times statistically; people are seeking ways to become personally involved in their own health care and treatments. Not willing to put their fate in the hands of the predominantly palliative and allopathic modality of modern medicine which reaps it's wealth, not from curing, but in comforting and sublimating symptoms, the public is seeking to empower itself with a more involved form of natural and herbal medicine. This form of medicine simply keeps the patient on a leash which requires ongoing and expensive reinvestment's in its modalities of drugs, surgery and side effects requiring even more drugs to sublimate those side effects ad infinitude. People are seeking herbal and natural sources which tend to far less dangerous or toxic effects generally than the big pharmacological corporations seem to produce. There is just something morally invigorating to being directly involved with your own treatments.
<BR><BR> After scientists discovered the anti cancer and other bio active compounds in the Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom; the alternative medicine forums and infomercials and blogs were quickly abuzz with the news. But the Media, who's in bed with the billions of dollars of advertisement moneys paid to them by the big Pharmacy corporations quickly let the news fall by the way side. The internet played a big role in getting and keeping the new out in front of the public; and that virtually free of charge. Reishi, with triterpenes and polysaccharides were found to be useful for lowering cholesterol and hindering cancer of certain kinds in a number of bio active ways. It has blood pressure lowering side effects so be careful there. It also beats up pretty good on bacterias of certain kinds and viruses found in avian and swine flues. So do your research first.
<BR><BR> This mushroom can be consumes in a number of ways thus bypassing the pharmacology processing of the drug companies and their dubious practices and toxic and highly expensive concoctions. You can locate <a href="">Ganoderma Lucidum</a> in powdered form capsules, as tinctures and decoctions, and even in healthy beverages like hot Chocolates drinks (with or without marshmallows lol) It is also available in blended coffee and tea drinks as well.
<BR><BR> Which ever way you choose to participate in this healthy beverage movement. Be careful, be sensible and be informed … by educating your self on the benefits and dosages of each herbal additive you are interested in. And it's always recommended that you consult a informed medical professional about the use of any herbal additives. Whatever your beverage of choice is, you can find ways of improving it with things like Reishi or other herbs that can promote a healthy life and increase your overall well being.

WAIT! Time is valuable and so is this, click here <a href="">Ganoderma Lucidum</a>, Bless and be Blessed.
<a href="">Article Submission</A> by Article Submission Express

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