

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Income at Home, Network Marketing and Ganoderma Lucidum!

By: Jimmy James

Ganoderma Lucidum has opened up the market for healthy beverages providing people with a source to find any variation they wish. A great income at home! These beverages include various plain filtered and fruit flavored waters, vitamin enhanced drinks, anti oxidants, fruit juices and teas, coffee and even hot Chocolate. They can quench your thirst or give you energy, support the immune system or any number of other healthy options. One of the latest is the addition of Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) mushroom to hot drinks like teas and coffee and even hot chocolate. Reishi, like the Shiitake mushroom, has a number of healthy bio active compounds. It's various compounds are released in hot drinks that affect a number of health issues. This makes healthy coffee a great net work marketing product!
<BR><BR> Healthy Coffee, Mushrooms and Modern Research. We may take ancient medicine as an unreal source. It is very interesting although to discover that modern science and research has proved some very interesting things about <a herf="">Ganoderma Lucidum</a>. As the research started Chinese researchers began discovering the chemical make up and medicinal effects of ganoderma back in the 50s. Researchers supported their findings with clinical studies. Researchers and scientist from the United states, Japan, China and Korea came together forming a global platform to collaborate research. Healthy coffee is the way to go!
<BR><BR> Ganoderma and more benefits to Healthy Coffee. Scientists have gained great knowledge about the healing effects of ganoderma lucidum involving anti cancer fighting, immune system, circulatory system, and our nervous system. Studies show it can greatly improve our blood circulation, enhance our immune system, calm our nerves, and improve cancer healing chances. Our bodies function on these major systems. If not properly addressed we can become ill. Ganoderma helps to balance and regulate our bodies systems, maintaining a healthy balance both in the internal and the external body conditions. Once in awhile I will forget to take my vitamins, it's not very often we forget about our coffee. This is one great reason I choose healthy coffee, not to mention all the other great benefits of ganoderma.
<BR><BR> Energize and Detoxify your body with Healthy Coffee. Western medications, antibiotics, pain killers and anti inflammatories produce toxins that accumulate in our bodies, ganoderma lucidum can eliminate these toxins. It will maintain your bodies balance achieving and maintaining a strong detoxification. With all of the potential stress in our lives today we can be subject to fatigue, insomnia, tension, giddiness, and loss of appetite.
<BR><BR> In this fast paced world we can sometimes forget to eat healthy, take our vitamins, but I bet you rarely forget your coffee! Ganoderma germanium enhances the blood streams ability to take in oxygen by more than 1.5 times. It has also been shown to boost your metabolic rate aiding in weight loss and slowing down your aging. A Japanese doctor threw research and documentation found the concentration of germanium ganoderma lucid to be 800 to 2000 part per million. This is 4 to 6 times greater than ginseng. It's so wonderful to get this in my coffee!

FANTASTIC! Click here <a href="">Ganoderma Lucidum</a>, everyone needs a little Health & Wealth! <a href="">Article Submission</A> by Article Submission Express

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