

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Home Schooled Kids Need Summer Camp

By: Lonnie Lorenz

Regardless, of no age, grade level or religious background. <a href="">Home School Summer Camps</a> provide a place where children can be self-reliant, which we all know is a major part of growing up. Councilors take the place of parent for a few short weeks, modeling perseverance, listening, teamwork and appreciation of differences. This helps children see the behavioral standards you try to teach are world norms and in turn brings their new found independence in line with your teachings.
<BR><BR>How do you know you are picking the right camp for your homeschooler? There are many choices. Here are simple steps to assist parents sending their children to camp. Doing the work up front will help make sure that your camper has a great summer packed with wonderful memories and many new experiences.
<BR><BR>Summer Camp Benefits home schooled children by providing a wonderful opportunity to socialize with other children in a new and exciting environment. As a parent of a homechooler I realize often socialization is what's missing in a home schooled child. Camp provides long-lasting friendships. Year after year campers return to see their old friends, making camp their summer home. Some children continue on past camper age and then participate as a Counselor in Training. Some even become counselors, passing on the traditions of summer camp.
<BR><BR>Jeff Lorenz Director of Swift Nature Camp a <a href=""> Kidss Summer Camp</a> in Wisconsin says "Summer Camp provides children the chance to be independent and assume leadership roles. Without parents or siblings around campers often show their responsibility thus improving self-confidence when they return back home".
<BR><BR>The many activities available at summer camp gives children the opportunities to try new things and discover new skills. From canoeing and Arts & Crafts to Swimming, Hiking and Horseback riding the list of activities available at different camps are of the utmost benefit to the children who attend.
<BR><BR>Choosing the Best Summer Camp If your child has never been away from home and is under eight a local day camp might be the best choice. However, If your child feels comfortable with overnights away from home a residential camp is the way to go. Do not be afraid to challenge your child by giving him or her new opportunities, that's what summer camp is all about. Home schooled children are a bit more attached to their family so gong to camp maybe a little harder sell to the child and the parents. So, both may need to work a little harder to get ready for a sleepaway camp experience. But, it will be well worth the effort.
<BR><BR>There is comfort in the familiar so pick a camp that has some activities your child feels comfortable with. Maybe a Non competitive camp would be best for your child? Traditional summer camps provides opportunities in many areas giving a child comfort in some things a child has tried before as well as activities that ask him to leave their comfort zone.
<BR><BR>If possible take your child to an open house. This allows parents and children to come and visit for a day and tour the grounds. For other camps this is not so easy, yet they might offer a local open house to meet staff and other campers. Work weekends at camp are a great way to get to know the staff and the grounds. This is a perfect venue to put a child's fears at ease and make sure a camp is the right one. Don't pick a camp just because all your child's friends are attending. Camp is about making new friends in a new place.
<BR><BR>Past campers are vital in determining if a camp is a good fit for your child. Don't be afraid to ask these references about their experiences and feelings. Older campers are usually eager, to share about the role summer camp has played in their lives.
<BR><BR>Checking for accreditation is also a vital step in choosing a camp. Most provinces and states have a camping authority, which holds camps using their logo to a set of standards far above a camp not operating under their banner. Check that the camps you are looking at are (ACA) American Camp Association approved.
<BR><BR>Talk to the Camp Directors, this is probably the most important. Forming a personal relationship helps ensure you are making the right decision. In this age of internet websites its easy to make a decision with out ever had personal contact with the directors or owner. If you are not confident in your decision after following all of these steps, the camp your looking at is probably not the right one for your child.

Swift Nature Camp is a <a href="">Minnesota Summer Camp</a> for boys and girls ages 6-15. We blend traditional summer camp activities with that of a <a href="">Nature Summer Camps</a>. <a href="">Article Submission</A> by Article Submission Express

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